Cred in Romania / I believe in Romania

I believe in Romania is about students and young researchers with brilliant ideas who were helped to put them into practice, but also entrepreneurship and people who have the ability to make things happen.


I believe in Romania is about students and young researchers with brilliant ideas who were helped to put them into practice, but also entrepreneurship and people who have the ability to make things happen. Due to this program, started 10 years ago, we developed several projects for supporting and promoting the valuable elites of Romania. 

All of them were encouraged to believe in their dreams, to fight for them and achieve great results for themselves and for Romania, through financial or mentorship support. We believe that no one should be left behind in becoming a better version of themselves.

We wish to continue helping valuable people in their development within their country.


Cred in Romania este despre studenti si tineri cercetatori cu idei briliante care au fost ajutati pentru a le pune in practica, dar si despre antreprenori si oameni care au abilitatea de a face lucrurile sa se intample. Datorita acestui program inceput in urma cu 10 ani, am dezvoltat numeroase proiecte pentru sustinerea si promovarea elitelor si valorilor ale Romaniei.

Toti au fost incurajati sa creada in visele lor, sa lupte pentru ele si sa obtina rezultate importante pentru ei si pentru Romania, atat prin suport financiar, cat si mentorship.

Ne dorim sa continuam sa ajutam oamenii valorosi sa se dezvolte in tara lor.

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